Huge ideas &

Palantir Data Market

Empowering Individuals in the Age of Automation with Data Ownership

Combat automation-induced job loss by empowering individuals to track, own, and (if they want to) sell their engagement data through a government technology platform, creating a new economy where personal data becomes a valuable asset.


Apr 20, 2023


Automation will reduce the need for humans in the labor market, people will need a way to earn a living relative to their performance, and the data that people generate is valuable but there is no liquidity.


Provide governments with a full technology solution for implementing a data market in their country, similar to Palantir. Pursue legislation that grants data ownership to the creator and makes it illegal for companies to track engagement data. Establish a new market for data, the Data Market, similar to the stock market. Provide people with apps that track their engagement data for them to package and sell on the Data Market. Provide companies with apps to buy data.


  • Data is the new oil
  • Technology companies have means of data liquidity
  • Universal Basic Income (UBI) does not solve for the problem of, “earn a living relative to their performance,” which is core to the American identity
  • Governments are not protecting data property rights
  • New legislation would be needed

Tesla Copilot

How Remote Drivers Could Be Solution to Robotaxi Challenges

A dedicated remote driver that oversees level five autonomous vehicles, intervening if necessary, with teleoperation facilitated by real-time software and Premium Connectivity.


Feb 4, 2023


Level five autonomous vehicles are not yet legal in any jurisdiction and the path toward building regulatory confidence and eventually approval is not clear.


Dedicated remote drivers that oversee level five autonomous vehicles, intervening if necessary, with teleoperation facilitated by real-time software and Premium Connectivity.


  • Remote drivers could work from home
  • No dependency on their vehicles
  • Sixteen states do not require the operator to be in the vehicle while driving
  • In ten states it depends on the vehicle's level of autonomy